We prefer that in the first instance you contact us using the form below - we will get back to you without delay.
We don’t work to strict office hours so if a conversation in the evening or on a weekend suits you better just let us know.
You can also call on 01227 700 999 or text/call 07970 102 778. Regrettably, due to the ever increasing number of spam calls small business are receiving, we do not always answer calls from unknown numbers until the message has been checked.
We don’t work to strict office hours so if a conversation in the evening or on a weekend suits you better just let us know.
You can also call on 01227 700 999 or text/call 07970 102 778. Regrettably, due to the ever increasing number of spam calls small business are receiving, we do not always answer calls from unknown numbers until the message has been checked.
- Your communication with Kikk via this form will reach us as a standard email, and is secured on our email server and internal systems with strong password protection.
- For security purposes, this form will capture your IP address. Your IP address does not contain any contact details.
- For technical reasons, this email will capture the type of brower used to view this website and the date sent.
- We keep your email information for as long as is required by the nature of the enquiry, and may contact you with any information relevant to that enquiry.
- Your details will not be added to any marketing communication system and will not be shared with any 3rd party for marketing purposes or any other reason unless required by law
- The information you send is not added to any database unless you become a paying client of Kikk, in which case you will be added to our internal, offline Client database which is secured with strong password protection.
- We will share with you any information we hold within 30 days of your written request and without charge.
- We will remove all information held within 14 days of any written request by you.